] [
***You can dismiss letters by right-clicking on them.
***You can hold the shift key to queue orders on your col...
***You can right-click and drag to reorder colonists on t...
***You can select previous/next colonist with the , and ....
***Many menus allow you to click and drag a setting to 'p...
***In the work tab's manual priorities mode, 1 is first p...
***Each colonists' mood is displayed in the background of...
***Shift-clicking the name of a work type in the Work tab...
***Right-clicking a number in the Work tab using manual p...
***In a gunfight, always be behind cover!
***In a gunfight, spread your colonists out! Bunched-up t...
-銃撃戦では、戦闘員を散開させてください! 密集した隊形で...
***Smoke totally prevents turrets from detecting targets,...
***When designing defences, assume enemies will get insid...
***Foggy or rainy weather reduces the accuracy of ranged ...
***You can analyze the chance a shot will hit by selectin...
***Turrets explode when they take a lot of damage. Don't ...
-砲塔は、一定以上の損傷を受けると爆発します。 誘爆を防ぐた...
***Some animals explode upon death. You can use transport...
-動物の中には、死亡すると爆発する種類もいます。 そうした動...
***If you need help in a fight, call your allies using th...
***Maddened animals will attack any human, including your...
-人狩りとなった動物は、あらゆる人間を攻撃します。 その中に...
***EMP bursts will temporarily disable turrets, mortar sh...
***EMP bursts instantly break personal shields.
***The hunter stealth stat reduces the chance of animal a...
-猟師の隠密率が高いほど、獲物が逆襲する確率は低下します。 ...
***Animals are more likely to attack when harmed from clo...
***Entire herds of animals may attack you when you try to...
***If you hunt boomrats and boomalopes when it's raining,...
-ボムねずみやボマロープを狩るなら雨の日にしましょう。 爆発...
***Place a caravan packing spot to designate where you wa...
***Single-person caravans can be very useful in certain s...
***Faster animals make faster caravans.
***Smaller caravans will be attacked less often because t...
***Before forming a caravan, collect them items you want ...
***If you have untrained animals in your caravan, you can...
***RimWorld is a story generator, not a skill test. A rui...
***Some colonists are worse than useless. Bad allies are ...
-入植者たちの中には、役立たず以下の厄介者もいます。 無能な...
***If you can't defend against a threat, make a caravan a...
***Avoid using stone for doors. They open very slowly, wh...
-石材を使って扉を作ることは避けましょう。 開閉に非常に時間...
***Put chairs in front of workbenches so workers can sit ...
-作業台の前には椅子を配置しましょう。 作業をしている間、作...
***Mechanical structures break down and require replaceme...
***Be careful what you construct on bridges. Bridges coll...
-橋梁の上に配置する設備には気を付けましょう。 橋梁は爆発に...
***Clean rooms increase research speed, improve medical o...
***Building your whole colony in one structure saves reso...
***Terrain affects movement speed. Build floors to help y...
-地形は移動速度に影響します。 入植者が素早く移動できるよう...
***Different terrain has different inherent cleanliness l...
-地形や地物ごとに固有の清潔度が設定されています。 タイルは...
***You can give prisoners as gifts. Giving a prisoner bac...
-囚人たちを贈り物として進呈することもできます。 囚人を本来...
***You can request specific types of trade caravans using...
***You can use transport pods to send gifts directly to o...
***Keeping prisoners together saves space. However, priso...
***Enemy faction bases are very well-defended. You don't ...
-敵対派閥の拠点には厳重な防衛体制が敷かれています。 無理に...
***Cute tame animals will nuzzle your colonists, improvin...
***Assign your herbivorous animals to areas with lots of ...
-草食性の家畜は、植物の多い地域で放牧しましょう。 野生の植...
***If someone has a serious infection in a limb, you can ...
***Sloshing through water makes people unhappy. Build a b...
-水の中を動き回れば、入植者は気分を悪くします。 できれば橋...
***Luciferium can heal scars - even those on the eye or b...
-ルシフェリウムは古傷を癒すことができます。 たとえ眼球や脳...
***Work and movement speed are affected by lighting. Ever...
-作業速度や移動速度は、周囲の明るさに影響されます。 暗闇の...
***Deep underground caverns have a naturally stable tempe...
-洞窟の奥深くでは、自然に気温が安定します。 外界の酷暑や凍...
***Mountain bases are easy to defend. The downside is tha...
-奥深い洞窟の中に構えた拠点は防衛が容易です。 短所は、あま...
***Prisoners will join much quicker and attempt fewer bre...
***You can have multiple researchers working simultaneous...
***Geysers heat up rooms if enclosed. This can be dangero...
-間欠泉は密閉された部屋の室温を上昇させます。 このことは危...
***Explosions extinguish fires in their blast radius. Thi...
-爆発は、範囲内の火災を消し飛ばします。 ほかに打つ手がない...
***Even serious setbacks don't mean the game has to end. ...
***Clean labs with sterile tile give research speed bonus...
***You can change storyteller and difficulty at any time ...
***Some royal titles allow the holder to call for militar...
-称号の中には、保持者に援軍の要請を許すものがあります。 厳...
***Higher royal title holders have a special need for aut...
-高位の称号を持つ者は、権威という新たな欲求を抱きます。 そ...
***Nobles from the Empire will demand all the privileges ...
***Power armor, cataphract armor and psyfocus apparel wil...
***If a royal title holder dies, their title goes to thei...
***You can change the heir of a royal title holder throug...
-称号の相続人は、無線機を通じて変更することができます。 し...
***The Empire bestows a free psychic amplifier upon anyon...
***You can extract an installed psychic amplifier through...
***The Empire restricts usage of certain implants to thos...
***The psychic silencer implant masks psychic signatures,...
-思念隠蔽装置は、思念術の放つ特徴的な思念波を隠蔽します。 ...
***Installing a new level of psychic amplifier grants kno...
***Psycasts can give you significant advantage in combat.
***Performing a psycast on an ally will harm faction rela...
***The invisibility psycast's effect doesn't wear off whe...
***Going over your psychic entropy limit can save you in ...
***Creatures with higher psychic sensitivity are affected...
***Fitting your psycasters with psyfocus gear will increa...
***When fighting a mech cluster, try shooting their power...
***Some mech clusters remain dormant until disturbed. Use...
***The Imperial royal tribute collector arrives twice per...
-帝国徴税官は年2回ほど来訪します。 囚人や金品の貢ぎ物と引...
***You can safely walk right past a dormant mech cluster,...
***You can dismiss letters by right-clicking on them.
***You can hold the shift key to queue orders on your col...
***You can right-click and drag to reorder colonists on t...
***You can select previous/next colonist with the , and ....
***Many menus allow you to click and drag a setting to 'p...
***In the work tab's manual priorities mode, 1 is first p...
***Each colonists' mood is displayed in the background of...
***Shift-clicking the name of a work type in the Work tab...
***Right-clicking a number in the Work tab using manual p...
***In a gunfight, always be behind cover!
***In a gunfight, spread your colonists out! Bunched-up t...
-銃撃戦では、戦闘員を散開させてください! 密集した隊形で...
***Smoke totally prevents turrets from detecting targets,...
***When designing defences, assume enemies will get insid...
***Foggy or rainy weather reduces the accuracy of ranged ...
***You can analyze the chance a shot will hit by selectin...
***Turrets explode when they take a lot of damage. Don't ...
-砲塔は、一定以上の損傷を受けると爆発します。 誘爆を防ぐた...
***Some animals explode upon death. You can use transport...
-動物の中には、死亡すると爆発する種類もいます。 そうした動...
***If you need help in a fight, call your allies using th...
***Maddened animals will attack any human, including your...
-人狩りとなった動物は、あらゆる人間を攻撃します。 その中に...
***EMP bursts will temporarily disable turrets, mortar sh...
***EMP bursts instantly break personal shields.
***The hunter stealth stat reduces the chance of animal a...
-猟師の隠密率が高いほど、獲物が逆襲する確率は低下します。 ...
***Animals are more likely to attack when harmed from clo...
***Entire herds of animals may attack you when you try to...
***If you hunt boomrats and boomalopes when it's raining,...
-ボムねずみやボマロープを狩るなら雨の日にしましょう。 爆発...
***Place a caravan packing spot to designate where you wa...
***Single-person caravans can be very useful in certain s...
***Faster animals make faster caravans.
***Smaller caravans will be attacked less often because t...
***Before forming a caravan, collect them items you want ...
***If you have untrained animals in your caravan, you can...
***RimWorld is a story generator, not a skill test. A rui...
***Some colonists are worse than useless. Bad allies are ...
-入植者たちの中には、役立たず以下の厄介者もいます。 無能な...
***If you can't defend against a threat, make a caravan a...
***Avoid using stone for doors. They open very slowly, wh...
-石材を使って扉を作ることは避けましょう。 開閉に非常に時間...
***Put chairs in front of workbenches so workers can sit ...
-作業台の前には椅子を配置しましょう。 作業をしている間、作...
***Mechanical structures break down and require replaceme...
***Be careful what you construct on bridges. Bridges coll...
-橋梁の上に配置する設備には気を付けましょう。 橋梁は爆発に...
***Clean rooms increase research speed, improve medical o...
***Building your whole colony in one structure saves reso...
***Terrain affects movement speed. Build floors to help y...
-地形は移動速度に影響します。 入植者が素早く移動できるよう...
***Different terrain has different inherent cleanliness l...
-地形や地物ごとに固有の清潔度が設定されています。 タイルは...
***You can give prisoners as gifts. Giving a prisoner bac...
-囚人たちを贈り物として進呈することもできます。 囚人を本来...
***You can request specific types of trade caravans using...
***You can use transport pods to send gifts directly to o...
***Keeping prisoners together saves space. However, priso...
***Enemy faction bases are very well-defended. You don't ...
-敵対派閥の拠点には厳重な防衛体制が敷かれています。 無理に...
***Cute tame animals will nuzzle your colonists, improvin...
***Assign your herbivorous animals to areas with lots of ...
-草食性の家畜は、植物の多い地域で放牧しましょう。 野生の植...
***If someone has a serious infection in a limb, you can ...
***Sloshing through water makes people unhappy. Build a b...
-水の中を動き回れば、入植者は気分を悪くします。 できれば橋...
***Luciferium can heal scars - even those on the eye or b...
-ルシフェリウムは古傷を癒すことができます。 たとえ眼球や脳...
***Work and movement speed are affected by lighting. Ever...
-作業速度や移動速度は、周囲の明るさに影響されます。 暗闇の...
***Deep underground caverns have a naturally stable tempe...
-洞窟の奥深くでは、自然に気温が安定します。 外界の酷暑や凍...
***Mountain bases are easy to defend. The downside is tha...
-奥深い洞窟の中に構えた拠点は防衛が容易です。 短所は、あま...
***Prisoners will join much quicker and attempt fewer bre...
***You can have multiple researchers working simultaneous...
***Geysers heat up rooms if enclosed. This can be dangero...
-間欠泉は密閉された部屋の室温を上昇させます。 このことは危...
***Explosions extinguish fires in their blast radius. Thi...
-爆発は、範囲内の火災を消し飛ばします。 ほかに打つ手がない...
***Even serious setbacks don't mean the game has to end. ...
***Clean labs with sterile tile give research speed bonus...
***You can change storyteller and difficulty at any time ...
***Some royal titles allow the holder to call for militar...
-称号の中には、保持者に援軍の要請を許すものがあります。 厳...
***Higher royal title holders have a special need for aut...
-高位の称号を持つ者は、権威という新たな欲求を抱きます。 そ...
***Nobles from the Empire will demand all the privileges ...
***Power armor, cataphract armor and psyfocus apparel wil...
***If a royal title holder dies, their title goes to thei...
***You can change the heir of a royal title holder throug...
-称号の相続人は、無線機を通じて変更することができます。 し...
***The Empire bestows a free psychic amplifier upon anyon...
***You can extract an installed psychic amplifier through...
***The Empire restricts usage of certain implants to thos...
***The psychic silencer implant masks psychic signatures,...
-思念隠蔽装置は、思念術の放つ特徴的な思念波を隠蔽します。 ...
***Installing a new level of psychic amplifier grants kno...
***Psycasts can give you significant advantage in combat.
***Performing a psycast on an ally will harm faction rela...
***The invisibility psycast's effect doesn't wear off whe...
***Going over your psychic entropy limit can save you in ...
***Creatures with higher psychic sensitivity are affected...
***Fitting your psycasters with psyfocus gear will increa...
***When fighting a mech cluster, try shooting their power...
***Some mech clusters remain dormant until disturbed. Use...
***The Imperial royal tribute collector arrives twice per...
-帝国徴税官は年2回ほど来訪します。 囚人や金品の貢ぎ物と引...
***You can safely walk right past a dormant mech cluster,...